In this blog post, we’ll explore Ansible Rulebook to create an event-driven automation system for provisioning and configuring Multipass VMs. This approach allows you to automate VM creation and configuration based on triggered events. By customizing the event triggers, Ansible roles, and playbook logic, you can create a robust and automated infrastructure management system.
Ensure you have Multipass and Ansible installed on your Ubuntu or Debian system. Install Multipass
- To Ansible Install it following the official guide
Setting Up the Environment
Install Required Software:
sudo apt-get --assume-yes install openjdk-17-jdk python3-pip
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
pip3 install ansible ansible-rulebook ansible-runner
- Java (required by Ansible),
- ansible: Core Ansible functionality.
- ansible-rulebook: Enables event-driven automation workflows.
- ansible-runner: Provides flexibility for running Ansible Playbooks.
Start the Ansible Rulebook Engine
ansible-rulebook --rulebook webhook-example.yml -i inventory/inventory.yml --verbose
This command starts the Ansible Rulebook engine, specifying:
# The path to the Ansible Rulebook definition file.
--rulebook webhook-example.yml:
# The path to the inventory file defining target hosts.
-i inventory/inventory.yml:
# Enables detailed output for debugging purposes.
Note: Replace webhook-example.yml and inventory/inventory.yml with the actual file paths for your setup.
Triggering the Event (Example)
This curl command sends a POST request to the specified endpoint (
This command would trigger the execution Ansible playbook, automating VM creation and configuration.
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{\"message\": \"Create VM\"}"
List of Ansible Roles
- multipass: Creates Multipass VMs.
- common: Updates and upgrades the system, installs required packages.
- users: Creates a new user with sudo privileges, sets up SSH keys, and grants passwordless sudo access.
- docker: Installs Docker and the docker-compose-plugin.
- nodejs: Installs Node Version Manager (NVM) and Node.js.`